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2022 - Galerie Arielle Hauterives - "Flower Power" - 118 rue Blas - BRUSSELS


2021 - Temporary Gallery - "Jungle: Living Nature by Corine Lescop" - 7 Plage Eugène Flagey - BRUSSELS


2021 - XISHUANGBANNA Prefectural Museum - "The Rhythm of Life" - CHINA

2021 - YUNANN Museums - Exhibitions in several Yunann museums & 15m fresco based on a paintingas part of the "COP15 on Biodiversity - China & Canada" concluded a year later - CHINA

2020 - Artistic Center of VERDERONNE - "Brèves de Paradis" - Verderonne, FRANCE


2019 - University of LIÉGE - "China Impression Art exhibition" - Liège, BELGIUM

2019 - SAINT-GERTRUDE Collegiate Church - "The 4 seasons of the soul" - Collective exhibition - NIVELLES

2019 - Gallery L'ARBRE À PLUME - Collective exhibition - BRUSSELS


2019 - IMPRESSIONS Gallery - "Eurasian Trilogy" - Paintings & Calligraphy - PARIS


2019 - EDWARD LANGSTAFF Gallery - Personal exhibition - BRUSSELS


2018 - Abbaye de CHEVETOGNE - "The 4 seasons of the soul, summer" - Chevetogne, BELGIUM


2018 - City hall of LIEGE - "Canjie Stele" - Chinese & European Calligraphy - Liège, BELGIUM


2018 - SAINT MICHEL and GUDULE Cathedral - "The 4 seasons of the soul" - BRUSSELS


2017 - EDWARD LANGTAFF Gallery - July-August-September 2017 - BRUSSELS


2017 - CAD Gallery - "Earth Color" - Huy, BELGIUM


2017 - EMILILIE DUJAT Gallery - Group exhibition - BRUSSELS


2016 - CAD Gallery - "The Wild World" - Huy, BELGIUM


2015 - EMILIE DUJAT Gallery - "Crazy Horse Inside" - Collective exhibition - BRUSSELS


2015 - BCMART Gallery - Collective exhibition - BARCELONA


2015 - EMILIE DUJAT Gallery - "Inside the Portrait" - Collective exhibition - BRUSSELS


2014 - IMPRESSIONS Gallery - "Chinese Records" - Chinese and French calligraphers - PARIS


2014 - CAROUSEL DU LOUVRE - "Art Fair" - PARIS


2014 - Traveling exhibition - "Love Heibei" - FRANCE - CHINA


2014 - Chinese Cultural Center - ''Friends of New Europe'' - PARIS


2014 - CANGZHOU Museum - Heibie, CHINA


2014 - TANGSHAN Museum - Heibei, CHINA


2014 - HEIBEI Museum - Shijiazhuang, CHINA


2014 - Museum of MEDICINE - Collective exhibition - HELB ERASME - BRUSSELS


2014 - IMPRESSIONS Gallery - Collective exhibition - PARIS


2014 - Large CONTEMPORARY ART Market - PARIS


2013 - IMPRESSIONS Gallery - Expositi  dfrench and chinese artists - PARIS

2009 / 2010 / 2013 - EDWARD LANGSTAFF Gallery - BRUSSELS 

2013 - Large Contemporary Art market - Chatou, FRANCE

2006 / 2007 / 2013 - Rollebeek Gallery - Group exhibition - BRUSSELS

2013 - Central Institute of Fine Arts - International Exhibition of Art & Chinese Writing Xi-an, CHINA

2013 - CAD Gallery – "6 Women - 3 painters & 3 sculptors" - Huy, BELGIUM

2011 - LA POUDRIERE Gallery - Artist residency - Artistic exchange - Lille, FRANCE

2011 - Exhibition “REASONNANCE” - Artistic exchange FRANCE - CHINA - Douai, FRANCE

2004 / 2010 – IMPRESSIONS Gallery - "Shodô & Shunga" - PARIS

2009 - Espace VICTOIRE - Group exhibition "Spring Revival" - BRUSSELS

2008 - DÉRAPAGE Gallery - Group exhibition - BRUSSELS

2007 - CONTEMPORARY BEIJING - Traveling group exhibition: 30 Chinese artists and European artists - BEIJING, BERLIN, PARIS, BRUSSELS

2007 - ATELIER DOLCE VITA Gallery - Personal exhibition - BRUSSELS

2005 - WANG FUNG Gallery - Exhibition on the occasion of the CHINA-FRANCE year "Vision of Asia" organized by the Chinese Government - BEIJING

2004 - SCHELMA Gallery - BRUSSELS


2003 - MAISON DES ARTS - Collective exhibition "The Art of Loving, Loving Art" - BRUSSELS

1994 / 2002 - JAPAN EMBASSY CULTURAL CENTER - Exposition personal - BXL

1997 / 2000 - Gallery L'ESCALE - Personal exhibition - BRUSSELS

2000 - Cultural Center of SCHAERBEEK - Group exhibition - Calligraphies - BRUSSELS


2000 - DEMANIE-FARDEL SANARY Gallery - Group exhibition "Painters of the World" - FRANCE

1998 - Paris Contemporary Art Market - La Bastille, PARIS 

1997 - Town hall of SCHAERBEEK - Personal exhibition - BRUSSELS

1995 - Consulate General of France - Personal exhibition - BRUSSELS

1994 - MOA Gallery - Personal exhibition - BRUSSELS

1992 /1993 - House of Women - Personal exhibition - BRUXELLES 

1990 / 1991 - ART-POOL Int. - Personal exhibition - BRUSSELS

1982 / 83 / 84 / 85 / 86 - DAIMARU - Traveling exhibitions "Ecole de Paris" - KYOTO - OSAKA - FUKUOKA - HAKAKATA - JAPAN

1985 - Franco-Japanese Institute -  "Eight artists in Japan" - Kyushu,  JAPAN

1985 - GARO - 21 - GINZA Gallery - TOKYO-JAPAN

1985 - MYLORD Dept. Store - Exhibition-performance - Shinjuku, JAPAN

1982 / 1983 - GRAND PALAIS - Salon des Indépendants - PARIS

1983 - JICS PLAZA - Gallery - Aoyama-Twin - TOKYO

1983 - AKANE - GARO - Gallery - Namiki Dori - Ginza-Tokyo, JAPAN

1981 / 1983 - MIT SUKOSHI - Nichi o Ten Fair - TOKYO



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